Thursday, December 25, 2008

La Encarnación del Hijo de Dios, Navidad/Christmas

Esta semana celebramos la fiesta del misterio de la Encarnación del Hijo de Dios, que conocemos como Navidad. Como regalo de Navidad, quiero compartir con ustedes una historia y una petición. Allá por el año de 1969 escribí una pequeña obra de teatro, en tres actos, titulada "El Cumpleaños de Dios". El primer acto presenta el relato evangélico del nacimiento de Jesús. El segundo acto narra el origen de la fiesta de la Navidad: una fiesta pagana (romana) que se convierte en fiesta cristiana. El tercer acto trata de plantear la pregunta: ¿dejará la Navidad de ser una fiesta cristiana y volverá a ser una fiesta pagana? Porque fuera de las iglesias, parece ser que ya no se habla ni de la Navidad ni del Hijo de Dios que se hizo un Niño para salvarnos. En algunas partes se llega hasta el extremo de ni siquiera desear una feliz Navidad, sino "felices fiestas", con el pretexto de no ofender a nadie. Por todo esto, quiero pedirles a todos ustedes que no expulsemos a Jesús de nuestras casas ni de nuestro lenguaje. Dios no merece que olvidemos sus muestras de amor a la humanidad. Que nuestros niños y niñas sepan que la Navidad celebra el nacimiento del Hijo de Dios. Es el cumpleaños de Jesús, nuestro Salvador.
Deseo a todos ustedes una muy ¡Feliz Navidad!
El 25 de diciembre cumplo 33 años de mi ordenación sacerdotal. Los invito a que se unan a mi acción de gracias.
Su amigo y servidor
Padre Jesús Camacho
This week we celebrate the feast of the Incarnation of the Son of God, which we know as Christmas. As a Christmas gift, I would like to share with you a story and, at the same time, a request. Back in the year 1969 I wrote a small theatrical script, in three acts, titled "God's Birthday." The fist act presents the Gospel narrative of the birth of Jesus. The second act recounts the historical and liturgical origin of the feast of Christmas: a pagan feast (Roman) that is converted to a Christian feast. The third act tries to pose the question: will Christmas continue to be a Christian feast or will it return to being a pagan feast? For indeed, outside of church there is no mention of Christmas anymore nor of the Son of God who became a child to save us. Some places even go as far as not wishing a Merry Christmas! but rather "happy holidays," with the pretext of not offending anybody. Because of all of this, I would like to make a request of all of you and that is to not expel Jesus from our homes or our language. God does not deserve for us to forget his great deeds of love for the humankind. May our boys and girls know that Christmas celebrates the birth of the Son of God. It is Jesus' birthday! Our Savior coming to the earth! Nothing less.
I wish you all a very Merry Christmas!
On the 25th of December I celebrate 33 years of ordination. I invite you to join me in my thanksgiving.
Your friend and servant
Fr. Jesús Camacho

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Dónde andamos buscando a Dios

Homilía del 21 de diciembre, 2008
Cuarto Domingo de Adviento
Primera Lectura:Salmo Responsorial:Segunda Lectura:Evangelio:
II Samuel 7:1-5, 8-12, 14, 16Salmo 89:2-5, 27, 29Romanos 16:25-27Lucas 1:26-38

Fourth Sunday of Advent
2 Samuel 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16Psalm 89:2-3, 4-5, 27, 29Romans 16:25-27Luke 1:26-38
Oprima el botón de abajo para escuchar mi homilía.
Click play icon below to listen to my homily.

La Llamada de Dios

Homilía del 20 de diciembre, 2008
Cuarto Domingo de Adviento
Primera Lectura:Salmo Responsorial:Segunda Lectura:Evangelio:
II Samuel 7:1-5, 8-12, 14, 16Salmo 89:2-5, 27, 29Romanos 16:25-27Lucas 1:26-38

2 Samuel 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16Psalm 89:2-3, 4-5, 27, 29Romans 16:25-27Luke 1:26-38

Oprima el botón de abajo para escuchar mi homilía.
Click play icon below to listen to my homily.

Saturday, December 13, 2008


Homilía en las Mañanitas, 12 de Diciembre, 2008 Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe/Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Lk 1:26-38
Oprima el botón de abajo para escuchar mi homilía.
Click play icon below to listen to my homily.

Canto del Bracero

Todo los años desde que me ordené de sacerdote canto a la Virgen en su fiesta; y un arrullo en la Navidad al Niño Dios. Este año con motivo de todo lo que ha estado sufriendo el pueblo inmigrante, voy a tratar de cantar este canto poco conocido y muy antiguo: Canto del Bracero (compositor: Tomás Méndez).
Oprima el botón de abajo para escuchar este canto.
Click play icon below to listen to my humble offering of this song.

Dios nos quiere aquí porque los Estados Unidos nos necesitan

Homilía del 12 de Diciembre, 2008
La Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe/Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Lk 1:26-38
Oprima el botón de abajo para escuchar mi homilía.
Click play icon below to listen to my homily.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Vigil in Response to the Nampa Raids

"We must work to expose the reality that an immigration raid and imprisonment of people in Nampa, Idaho is actually part of the larger world realities of Darfur, Zimbabwe, and Baghdad, and essentially connected to the collapse of the international banks and the plunge of the world’s stock markets. We must convince people that the injustices within our immigration laws are connected to the injustices within our economic laws." Rev. Thomas Faucher, pastor of St. Mary's Catholic Church, Boise, ID

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


¿Qué hay de especial en el hecho guadalupano, acontecido el 12 de diciembre del año 1531 en el cerrito del Tepeyac? ¿Por qué millones y millones de personas van en peregrinación a venerar año tras año su imagen en la Basílica Nacional, en la ciudad de México? Católicos y no católicos; creyentes y no creyentes hablan de este acontecimiento. Además, muchos estudios y estudiosos han tratado de responder a éstas y otras muchas preguntas. Los sociólogos, los antropólogos, los psicólogos, los historiadores, los comunicadores, los físicos y químicos, los filósofos y teólogos han intentado respuestas desde su propia perspectiva. La respuesta más común es "no se puede explicar este fenómeno" Y tienen razón. Porque la clave está en otra parte. La clave es: Santa María de Guadalupe no es una diosa sino una Madre. Es la Madre en la fe y en la nacionalidad de los mexicanos y, por extensión, de los habitantes del continente americano: Madre y Emperatriz de México y Madre de Las Américas. Porque a través de Ella nos llegó su Hijo Jesús; y sólo Ella fue capaz de unirnos para formar una nación. Ella ha estado presente en su lucha por la Independencia y en la Revolución. Ella viaja con sus hijos/as cuando emigran a otro país. Su imagen está presente en todos los hogares. Su amor está presente en cada uno de los corazones. Santa María de Guadalupe es el amor de Dios en rostro mestizo y femenino. Un verso del canto "La Guadalupana" resume todo lo dicho anteriormente: "Desde entonces para el mexicano, ser guadalupano es algo esencial".
What is the importance of what happened on the hill of Tepeyac on December 12, 1531? Why do millions upon millions of people year after year go in pilgrimage to venerate her image in the National Basilica in Mexico City? Catholics and non Catholis; believers and non believers talk about the event. Furthermore, many studies and experts have tried to answer this and many other questions about Our Lady of Guadalupe. Sociologists, anthropologists, psychologists, historians, experts in communication, physicists and chemists, philosophers and theologians have tried to explain this through their own perspectives. The most common answer is "We can’t explain this phenomenon." And they’re right. Because the key is hidden elsewhere. The key is: Our Lady of Guadalupe is not a goddess but a mother. She is the mother of the faith and national identity of Mexicans, and further, of all those living throughout the entire American continent. She is Mother and Queen of Mexico, and Mother of the Americas. Because through her we came to Jesus, her Son, and only through her unlikely people became one nation. She was present in the revolutionary fight for independence and during the Mexican Revolution. She travels with her children as they migrate to another country. Her image is displayed in every home. Her love is present in each and every heart. Our Lady of Guadalupe is the love of God seen through a feminine and mestizo face. One verse of the song "La Guadalupana" sums it all up: "Desde entonces para el mexicano, ser guadalupano es algo esencial". "...for the Mexican, being a Guadalupano is something essential to its identity."

Monday, December 8, 2008

Daño en nuestra comunidad

Más sobre la redada en Nampa, ID.

Oprima el botón de abajo para escuchar mis comentarios sobre estas cosas tan graves.

Click play icon below to listen to my brief comments on these grave issues.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Las Redadas en Nampa, Idaho; la Crisis Económica

Esta semana hubo una redada en Nampa, ID.
Oprima el botón de abajo para escuchar mis comentarios sobre estas cosas tan graves.
Click play icon below to listen to my brief comments on these grave issues.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

DEL OTRO LADO DE LA FRONTERA: Ante la crisis en Estados Unidos, la solidaridad se hace presente en la comunidad mexicana

“El Estado de Idaho es uno de los más recientemente descubiertos por los inmigrantes mexicanos, pues su presencia se ha hecho sentir de unos 25 años a la fecha”, según dijo en entrevista, vía telefónica, el Padre Camacho.
Puede leer la entrevista completa en "Semanario - Órgano de formación e información Católica" de la Arquidiócesis de Guadalajara aquí:

Sunday, November 9, 2008

El Santo Sacrificio

La presencia de Dios en su templo santifica nuestra vida
Homilía del 9 de Noviembre, 2008
Jn 2:13-22

Oprima el botón de abajo para escuchar mi homilía.
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Sunday, November 2, 2008

¿Puedo ser Santo/a? Can I be Holy?

Bilingual homily given to the prison ministry volunteers, November 1, 2008
Mi homilía bilingue en el retiro para voluntarios del ministerio de prisión.
Matthew 5:1-12a

Oprima el botón de abajo para escuchar mi homilía.
Click play icon below to listen to my homily.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Why I Don't Celebrate Columbus Day

My brief comments on Columbus Day, October 13, 2008

Oprima el botón de abajo para escuchar mi mensaje breve en inglés.
Click play icon below to listen to my comments in English.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Santos Arcángeles Miguel, Gabriel y Rafael

Mensaje Semanal: el 28 del Septiembre, 2008
Weekly Message September 28, 2008

(English translation below)

El 29 de septiembre celebra la Iglesia la fiesta de los santos arcángeles Miguel, Gabriel y Rafael. La Biblia sólo menciona por su nombre a estos tres de los siete arcángeles que, según la tradición judeo-cristiana, se hallan más cerca del trono de Dios (libro de Tobías 12: 15). (Los nombres de los otros cuatro arcángeles: Uriel, Barachiel, Jehudiel, y Saeltiel, no aparecen en la Biblia sino en otros escritos que no forman parte de la Biblia). La Iglesia da a san Miguel el más alto lugar entre los arcángeles y le llama “Príncipe de los espíritus celestiales”, “jefe o cabeza de la milicia celestial”. Por eso se le representa con el traje de guerrero o de soldado. Su nombre significa “Quién como Dios?’ y ya desde el Antiguo Testamento aparece como el gran defensor del pueblo de Dios contra el demonio; y su poderosa defensa continúa en el Nuevo Testamento, donde aparece victorioso en su lucha contra satanás(disfrazado de dragón) y sus ángeles rebeldes. Es la escena descrita en el libro del Apocalipsis 12: 7-9 y que aparecerá esculpida en la hermosa puerta de entrada de nuestra iglesia.

El arcángel san Gabriel (su nombre significa “mensajero de Dios”) aparece como el mensajero/embajador de Dios ante la jovencita María de Nazaret para anunciarle el misterio de la Encarnación del Hijo de Dios (Lucas 1:26-38). Este santo mensajero del cielo es también el santo patrono de los que trabajan en los servicios postales, de telégrafos y teléfonos.

En cuanto a san Rafael (su nombre significa “el que cura o sana”), en el libro de Tobías se narra que Dios lo envió a ayudar al anciano Tobías que estaba ciego y se hallaba en una gran aflicción; y a Sarah, cuyos siete maridos habían muerto la noche de bodas.

Su amigo y servidor,

Padre Jesús Camacho

+++++++The Feast of the Holy Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Rafael is celebrated by the Church on September 29th. The Bible only mentions by name these three of the seven archangels who, according to the Judeo-Christian Tradition are found to be closest to the Throne of God (Book of Tobias 12:15). (The names of the other four archangels: Uriel, Barachiel, Jehudiel, Saeltiel, do not appear in the Bible but they do appear in other writings that are not part of the Bible). The Church holds St. Michael in such high regard that he is called “Prince of the Heavenly Host”, Head of the Celestial Army”. This is why he is dressed in armor. His name signifies “Who is like God?” and from the Old Testament we learn that he is the great defender of the of the city of God against Satan; and his powerful defense continues in the New Testament, where he appears victorious in his fight against Satan (disguised as a dragon) and his rebellious angels. This is the scene described in the Book of the Apocalypse 12:7-9 which appears on the carving of the Great Doors at the entrance of our new church.

The Archangel St. Gabriel (his name signifies “Messenger of God”) appears as a messenger of God before the young Mary of Nazareth to announce the mystery of the Incarnation of the Son of God (Luke 1:26-38). This holy saint from heaven is also the patron saint of those who work for postal services, telegraphs and telephones.

In Reference to St. Rafael (his number signifies “the one who cures or heals”), in the book of Tobias it is narrated that God sent him to help old Tobias who was blind and was greatly afflicted; and Sarah whose 7 husbands died on their wedding night.
Your friend and servant,
Padre Jesús Camacho

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Aceptar la cruz no significa aceptar el abuso

Mensaje aditional del 14 de Septiembre, 2008

Oprima el botón de abajo para escuchar mi mensaje breve sobre el abuso y la cruz.
Click play icon below to listen to my short message on abuse and the cross.

¿Por qué la cruz?

Homilía del 13 de Septiembre, 2008
Jn.3, 13-17

Oprima el botón de abajo para escuchar mi homilía.
Click play icon below to listen to my homily.

The serpentine cross sculpture atop Mount Nebo, Jordan was created by Italian artist, Giovanni Fantoni.
It is symbolic of the bronze serpent created by Moses in the wilderness (Numbers 21:4-9)
and the cross upon which Jesus was crucified (John 3:14).

Saturday, September 13, 2008

In response to the Nampa Raids

Speech for Candle-light Vigil, December 7, 2008
Rev. W. Thomas Faucher, Pastor, St. Mary's Catholic Church, Boise, Idaho

Seventy five years ago, as Franklin Roosevelt took the oath of office as President of the United States in the midst of an economic and moral crisis of worldwide proportions, he said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” But we did have more to fear. The economic crisis and its effects on the peoples of the world eventually led to war both in Europe and Asia.
Roosevelt was still president eight years later, sixty seven years ago this very day, when America was plunged into war by the immoral actions of another nation, actions which violated all international laws. This caused him to say that December 7, 1941 was a “day which will live in infamy.”

Sixty five years ago, a victim of that war, a young Anne Frank, writing in her diary said, “In spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart. I simply can't build up my hopes on a foundation consisting of confusion, misery and death.”

Forty years ago, standing on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, Doctor Martin Luther King said, “I have a dream.” Four years later Pope Paul VI said, “If you want peace, work for justice.”

This list of famous quotations could go on and on. But what all of these people had at the core of their convictions was the belief that the laws under which people were living had betrayed those people, either by the injustice of the laws themselves or the lack of enforcement of just laws.
Now the United States and the world are grappling with the reality of another economic and moral crisis. Poor laws, lack of enforcement of good laws, greed and incompetence have created a worldwide business crisis of epic proportions. At the same time the world is dealing with terrorism, a Middle East torn with strife, genocide in Darfur, starvation in Zimbabwe, and other horrible realities. It is in this context that we must see and understand the moral crisis that is the immigration reality in the United States and throughout the world today.

We have gathered here at the Anne Frank Memorial because of the arrest and detention of men and women within our own state of Idaho by Federal authorities. This is a terrible thing. But this action, and the many similar actions throughout the country are neither the problem nor the solution to the problem. These actions, divisive, destructive and devastating as they may be, are only symptoms of the much deeper and more profound crisis facing the world.

What unites the moral crisis of the economy, the moral crisis we call terrorism, the moral crises of the Middle East, Africa and other places in the world, and our own immigration crisis is the failure of law.
I speak today as a lawyer. Not an American civil lawyer although I come from a family of lawyers, but as a Canon Lawyer, a church lawyer of the Roman Catholic Church. There are many definitions of law, but today I want to give not a definition but a description of law. Law is the “owner’s manual” of society. The laws found in the books tell us how to maintain our relationships with each other, how to interact, how to work together, how to preserve our rights and preserve the rights of others. And just as with the owner’s manual of our cars, if the information in the manual is wrong, or if we consistently violate the rules of the manual, the whole system eventually breaks down and ceases to function. That is what has happened both within our own country and throughout the world.
Applying this to the economic crisis, after his inauguration speech President Roosevelt and Congress passed new and better laws about the economy and included rules and regulations. Most Western nations did the same and these nations did not start the Second World War. It was the nations which passed evil, racist, unjust laws which led us into war.
Even after the war, for most of the past seventy years our economic laws and the enforcement of just regulations have worked reasonably well. But in our country and in other countries as these laws were replaced or ignored the economic system began to collapse. Greed and incompetence on the part of thousands of people, unfettered by the enforcement of just laws, created the situation with which we now face.

The economic and commercial legal system of our country and throughout the world is broken. The same can be said of the moral and terrorist crises throughout the world. Darfur, Zimbabwe, Israel, Palestine, Iraq and all the other areas of violence and destruction all have one thing in common – a lack of peace. The plaintive cry of Pope Paul VI – “If you want peace, work for justice” – spotlights the lack of justice and the failure of law.
The moral and legal system governing nations and the relations between nations is broken. And both here in America and in nations around the world the moral and legal systems governing the movement of people from one land to another, the right to immigrate, the rights of divided families, the rights of divided tribes, the rights of poor people, and the right of all people to be free from racism – these legal systems are broken.

The points I wish to make today are two. First, if we who are concerned with the immigration policies of America only see the blatant and egregious injustices of our own land, we will never find a solution to the immigration problems facing us. That viewpoint is simply too narrow. I believe that this narrow focus is the reason the efforts to solve this crisis in Congress have failed in the past and will continue to fail in the future. Putting a band-aid on a gaping wound never heals anything.

Second, what we must do is seek the inclusion of the American immigration crisis into the world crisis of the movement of peoples and the reality of racism. The whole issue of the rights of people to live in peace and justice where they choose to live must be seen as an essential part of the even larger issue of the repair and replacement of the broken economic and international relations systems.
In other words, we must make every effort to educate our political leaders that as they deal with repairing the economic laws they need to see that the exact same thing must be done with the international laws of justice and the rules and regulations on the movement and rights of peoples. Both nationally and internationally these legal systems are broken and they must be repaired and replaced together.

We must work to expose the reality that an immigration raid and imprisonment of people in Nampa, Idaho is actually part of the larger world realities of Darfur, Zimbabwe, and Baghdad, and essentially connected to the collapse of the international banks and the plunge of the world’s stock markets. We must convince people that the injustices within our immigration laws are connected to the injustices within our economic laws.
Does the United States have the ability and will to do this? Part of Doctor Martin Luther King’s dream has become a reality in our new president. This should give all of us hope that maybe we do. To inject the solving of the immigration crisis into the solutions of the economic and international relations crises will take great moral and political courage. It is my prayer and my hope that the new president and the new Congress can be educated to understand the connection and inspired to truly bring justice back into our moral and legal systems.
President-elect Obama, I address my last remarks to you. I ask that you include in your inauguration speech this sentence: “I hereby pledge to do all I can to reform the legal systems of our country and the world so that all peoples have laws which create justice, support justice, and inspire justice.”

Sunday, August 17, 2008

¿Cómo ser agradecidos?

Homilía del 16 de Agosto, 2008
Para la Quinceañera de Miriam

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Click play icon below to listen to my homily.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

No dejen de ser papás

Dia de los Padres, el 15 de Junio, 2008

Fathers' Day, June 15, 2008

Oprima el botón de abajo para escuchar mi mensaje breve para los papás.
Click play icon below to listen to my short message to fathers.

Weekly Message, July 15, 2008

(English translation below)

Pienso que la mejor manera de decir algo sobre el Dia del Padre es hablar de mi propio padre. Fui bendecido con la presencia de un buen padre en mi vida. Primero que todo, fue buen esposo: siempre respeto a mama y estuvo a su lado todo el tiempo, hasta el dia en que la muerte los separo. Supo ser responsable y justo con todos y cada uno de nosotros. Aunque no era afectuoso, siempre estuvo a nuestro lado cuando lo necesitamos. Tenia autoridad sobre nosotros, pero nunca fue autoritario. Junto con mama establecio un buen balance de disciplina y correccion, de tal manera que en casa habia siempre respeto hacia nuestros papas y entre los hermanos y hermanas entre si. Mi padre amaba la naturaleza. Sabia relacionarse con todo tipo de personas y siempre tuvo buenas relaciones con todo mundo. Aprendi muchas cosas de el. A manera de ejemplo quiero mencionar por lo menos tres. De mi padre aprendi que en la vida es mas importante contar con amigos que con dinero. Tambien aprendi que hay que tratar a todas las personas como iguales, sin importar su situacion social o economica. Y, por ultimo, algo que me ha servido mucho en la vida, nunca hay que darse por vencido sin antes haberlo intentado. Las palabras textuales de mi padre fueron: “no digas ‘no puedo’; mejor di ‘no pude’”. Gracias, Senor, por haberme dado en la vida un buen padre. Quiero felicitar a todos los papas en este dia. Que Dios los llene de toda clase de bendiciones.
Su amigo y servidor,

Padre Jesus Camacho

I think the best way to say something about Father’s day is to talk about my own father. I was blessed with the presence of a good father in my life. First of all, he was a good husband. He always respected mom and was by her side all of the time until the day they were separated by death. He knew how to be responsible and fair with each and all of us. Though he was not affectionate, he always was at our side when we needed him. He had
authority over us though he was never authoritarian. Along with mom, he established a good balance of discipline and correction so that there was always respect for our parents and respect among our siblings. My father loved nature. He knew how to relate to all kinds of people, and he always had good relationships with everyone. I learned many things from him, and I want to mention at least three examples. I learned from my father that in life, it is more important to have friends than money. I also learned that we have to treat everyone as equal no matter what their social or economic status. And last, something that has helped me very much in my life: never give up without trying first. My father’s actual words were: “Don’t say I can’t; it’s better to say I couldn’t.” Thanks be to God for giving me a good father. I want to congratulate all fathers on this day. May God grant them all kinds of blessings.
Your friend and servant,

Fr. Jesus Camacho