Wednesday, November 19, 2008

DEL OTRO LADO DE LA FRONTERA: Ante la crisis en Estados Unidos, la solidaridad se hace presente en la comunidad mexicana

“El Estado de Idaho es uno de los más recientemente descubiertos por los inmigrantes mexicanos, pues su presencia se ha hecho sentir de unos 25 años a la fecha”, según dijo en entrevista, vía telefónica, el Padre Camacho.
Puede leer la entrevista completa en "Semanario - Órgano de formación e información Católica" de la Arquidiócesis de Guadalajara aquí:


Anonymous said...

As a member of your parish, I see you offer welcome, comfort and understanding to all who come through St. Mary's doors. You work long,long hours making sure the Catholic Church really is a safe haven for all her people, and a place to encounter the living gospel of Jesus. In this community we experience each other's joys and sorrows, and freely offer each other what assistance we can. I am saddened by the special difficulties and persecution my Mexican friends suffer. Although I hate to see them move back to Mexico, I know they will carry with them the experience of Catholic community, and strengthen the Church wherever they live. Keep up the good work, Padrecito!

Jesús Camacho said...

Thank you, Sally, for your encouraging words. The very identity for anyone claiming the Christian name is our response to the needy. At the end of our life we are going to be judged by our love.