Thursday, January 22, 2009

On the sacredness of our body: a meditation on I Cor 6,13-14

"In whatever way the call to discipleship comes, Paul reminds us that we do not encounter the Holy as disembodied spirits. Rather, our bodies are sacred "temples of the Holy Spirit." That Jesus took on human flesh and that God raised him bodily underscore the importance of the body. A corporeal spirituality helps us counter any exploitation of the body: in the sex trade, or overexposure in the manner of dress, or the battering of bodies with abuse or torture, or the devaluing of aging bodies. It is through our bodies that we experience godliness, and it is in them that we glorify God." (Barbara E. Reid, "America," January 5-12, 2009).


Anonymous said...

Thank you for this comentary by Barbara Reid. Experiencing 'godliness' in the body is something that abuse victims seriously struggle with. What do you think her phrase "corporeal spirituality" means? And how would someone cultivate that?
thank you, and blessings!

Jesús Camacho said...

Thank you for your comment. "Corporeal spirituality" might be understood in the line of "theology of the body" (John Paul II); but even more in the direction of the Incarnation of the Son of God. We are not just souls but persons; that is, one indivisible unity of body and soul. Death is precisely the separation of these two elements. And we proclaim in our Creed our belief in the resurrection of the body.